온라인예약 수술전상담 찾아오는길 페이스북
[frequency]  RF for Masseter
name C** date 2018-02-09 views 1916

Hi. I am interested in RF on massater muscle. Please advice me on the cost

And how long I have to stay in Korea for

Answer contents

Hello, this is Gangnam Samsung Aesthetic Clinic. 

Thank you for your question. 

In the the principle of radiofrequency (RF)masseter reduction treatment.
the ions in human cells are activated to generate frictional heat when a certain high-frequency current flows through the cells. 
When the frictional heat is produced, special radiofrequency needles are inserted into masseter muscle and the inserted needles work to reduce projecting parts selectively. 
The method has been widely used to treat patients with abnormal electrocardiogram or operate on dyspnea patients or snorers. 
This safe and non-invasive way procedure is semi-permanent in its effect and patients can return to their daily life within ten 10 minutes after surgery. 
before the surgery we will use ultrasonic waves to check the muscle range,so don't worry about it. 
You can stay in korea for3~4days. the price will be decided after we met dr park.

If you have any other questions you can contact us anytime. 
Best regards. 

Tel: 82-02-3477-4700 
QQ: 2240472707 
Wechat: ksamsung1 

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